Testimonials / Reviews


  1. Thiyagarajakumar Ramaswamy's Leadership Stage Coaching - Testimonials

    "This Leadership Stage Coaching was really ideal for taking my ideas and notions of wanting to be a facilitator and birthing them into reality. It guided me step by step from not just the theory and understanding, which I felt I already had through many trainings, but in perfecting these skills to the level of feeling confident in leading them with others, and into the nitty gritty of actually doing it on a practical level. Having the visceral experience of facilitating has been the most important factor, as well as developing close friendships with the circle of people who feel forever my brothers and sisters. I was able to see how I co-lead with different personality types, and where my skills exceed and what type of person supports me where I am weaker. I now see what my blocks are that stand in the way of me becoming a better facilitator, and am slowly but surely learning how to work with them. The best thing is that after the Leadership Stage Coaching I no longer wonder or hope that I can be a good facilitator; I know for sure that I am.Thank you Mr.Thiyagarajakumar Ramaswamy." Attended :- March 2011 Rating :- 10 / 10

  2. “First about the Leadership Stage workshop. It was SUPER! I’ve told lots of folks about you and it. Specifically, the “formula” for the Leadership Stage nine parts of the story is soooo clear and easy to use. I was doing an “executive seminar” the evening of our class. I had only about 30 minutes to collect my thoughts between the Leadership Stage Mime Theatre story workshop and my seminar. The workshop had made me aware that one of my “best” stories for that topic was totally inside out. So, I decided that even without proper scripting and practice, it would still come out better if I told it according to your formula. So, in about 20 minutes, I re-organized the story totally. Made a quick pages of notes as bullet points, ran through it in my head once. Off to the seminar! It was about ten times better than the old form, just using the Leadership Stage nine steps. I’ve since used that outline to write a script and practice. It’s beginning to get really good! So, I wanted to thank you Dr.Thiyagarajakumar Ramaswamy, for all the great material you delivered and to let you know that it had an immediate payback for me!”

  3. "My weekly Kalaanantarupah Consultants- Leadership stage QREM Chat sessions with Thiyagarajakumar Ramaswamy challenge my perception of business. He has turned me into a leader through critiquing my thoughts and actions. His judgement of my skills has helped me ascertain my areas of weakness so that I can better serve my company, my team and my clients

    I cannot think of an area of the business that Thiyagarajakumar Ramaswamy has not been critically involved in. From our marketing, through to accounts, systems to promotions. Thiyagarajakumar Ramaswamy has been there all the way through. Without him we would not have the success we have today.

    I know many business consultants and advisors, some are my friends - I picked Thiyagarajakumar Ramaswamy because he is the best person for the role - and certainly first amongst equals a the high level at which he works. Thiyagarajakumar Ramaswamy is truly world class!"

  4. It took Thiyagarajakumar Ramaswamy a couple of minutes to see through me. He told me things about myself that I did not want to admit and he challenged me to achieve a lot more than I thought possible. The highlight in my coaching journey is that Thiyagarajakumar Ramaswamy helped me get my marriage back. But he did more. Thiyagarajakumar Ramaswamy made me find my way back to God and helped me define my career aspirations. He kept on challenging me, pushing me harder and never accepting my weak excuses. Working with Thiyagarajakumar Ramaswamy has been one of the key experiences in my life. I found that life could be lived with a lot less fuss, more direction and a lot more enjoyment. The key lessons were those that taught me how to set goals and how to go about achieving them. I was even able to help friends set goals for their lives. Thiyagarajakumar Ramaswamy helped me think through things, define things and make sure that I knew where I wanted to go. Funny thing is that most of what I got out comes from me.”


    Having audited many Indian acting schools, finally, I have found my home base! Thiyagarajakumar Ramaswamy's Leadership Stage-KalaAnantarupah Group,Bangalore base classes are small and extremely safe for nurturing growth.

    It's not just about the craft of acting it's also about the business. Thiyagarajakumar Ramaswamy takes time with each student to help them discover their own unique style and how to properly market themselves for optimum success.

    During the first year class each session starts with a group warm-up that involves proper breathing techniques, vocal exercises and improvisational games using Shakespearean monologues. Thiyagarajakumar Ramaswamy insists his students should be as comfortable doing Shakespeare as they would be doing something contemporary

    The classroom is set up much like a film set or audition room so he can extract the simplest most honest performances from his students. Thiyagarajakumar Ramaswamy's critiques are daring, frustrating and encouraging all at once. That in itself takes a skilled instructor. All students are required to meet twice a week outside of class to rehearse. This is mandatory.

    If acting is your chosen path definitely audit a class.Thiyagarajakumar Ramaswamy's class rates are very fair. Providing you put in the hard work you will get way more than your money's worth.

    The Leadership Stage - KalaAnantarupah Group is conveniently located in the charming Bangalore, India-rt nagar's Sultanpalya area. Sultanpalya area is good, however, there are loads of side streets with all free and permit-free parking

  5. “Thiyagarajakumar Ramaswamy ( Dr.T) is a miracle worker. OK, he’s not a miracle worker, but he’s an exceptionally talented and effective Leadership Stage Career-Life coach. I came to Thiyagarajakumar Ramaswamy ( Dr.T) with a set of extremely aggressive goals for our work together. He brought together an extraordinary mix of spiritual wisdom and real-world business knowledge to deliver results were far beyond what I imagined possible. And the best part was that it never felt formulaic — his work and approach was concrete, measurable and uniquely tailored to my situation and style. Maybe I had it right at the start — Thiyagarajakumar Ramaswamy ( Dr.T) is a miracle worker"..

  6. My work with Leadership Stage QREM Coach earlier this year has truly enhanced my selling skills and process, AND made me a better rainmaker for our business. While I was great at forming relationships and connections, with my coach Thiyagarajakumar Ramaswamy’s help I was able to leverage what I already did well and take it to another level. He helped me to better identify and target the areas that I needed to improve upon, focused my efforts on increasing my ‘speed on the bases’ and as a result, I found myself having much more effective meetings with prospects—and spending less time with those who really weren't qualified. But the best thing has been the results that I've been able to achieve in the last six months. We landed our biggest client ever in the history of the business as well as several other “big fish”, which was one of my goals when I started. I feel more confident and am better prepared in my meetings and I expect that I’ll only continue to improve with the tools and the process that I've learned.

  7. "When I sought out the Kalaanantarupah Consultants - Leadership Stage career coaching process I was not quite sure how this process was going to work and how it differed from perhaps resume or interview advisement. I am skeptical and this process was not immune to my skepticism
    Life has a way of crowding out what can be best for you or what you are meant to do... if you let it. My biggest reasons for hiring a Leadership Stage coach were toassess my strengths and try to take the noise out of my life goals. I felt I had a lot of ideas and no clear way of getting to any of them. I was unfulfilled and overwhelmed with “risk” of trying something new.

    In the last six months, Thiyagarajakumar Ramaswamy has coached me to really understand what motivates me personally and to better articulate my passions and strengths.While completing the coaching assignments and using the tools could be challenging at times, Thiyagarajakumar Ramaswamy applied them in a way to help me literally extract my core values and needs out of a lot of different considerations and clarify a dream career I had always wanted but hadn’t seriously considered as viable. Thiyagarajakumar Ramaswamy heard me when I spoke of my passions, my goals, my faith and was able to walk me through a process that has not only clarified my professional goals but helped clarify who I am.

    My current career path and how it will transition to my dream career is very clear now. I am more focused and am expecting a pretty significant and-desired change in the next few months. As an adult you have to react to a lot and if you are not careful you start to process life through a lot of filters and automatic reaction. Perhaps this filtering was efficient but for me I was losing sight of my best self and what I am equipped to handle. Thiyagarajakumar Ramaswamy’s coaching process shook me out of that filtered approach so I could really see that my talents and passion could be applied in ways I had forgotten. I am really excited and tremendously grateful about the possibilities I’ve rediscovered through this process.

    Ten years from now (or perhaps sooner) when I’m asked what led me on the path of fulfillment, I will recall this decision for coaching as the primary catalyst. I am tremendously pleased with this process and grateful for the service Thiyagarajakumar Ramaswamy provided

  8. Create the best impression

    Creating the best impression is possible. Creating it at the very first meeting is difficult. And, creating it even before the meeting is very difficult. Marketing yourself to a prospective employer as the right candidate the very first time is near impossible. This calls for unconventional strategies

    Leadership Stage - KalaAnantarupah Consultants enables a candidate to do just that- create the best impression even before meeting the prospective employer. The employer gets to judge the potential candidate by a Leadership Stage Profile or a video resume. These are gaining popularity worldwide due to the advanced internet-social networking technologies available. Creating the right Leadership Stage Profile/Video Resume and complemented by the traditional printed resume can make a candidate stand out in the current highly competitive job market. You were born an original. Don’t become a copy. However getting it right is critical and professional guidance is an advantage.

    Employment especially right-Dream employment need to be located wherever on Earth. The other way is to ensure that your Leadership Stage Profile/Video Resume reaches every corner of the planet. This can be enabled by exploiting the social media to the fullest. Leadership Stage-KalaAnantarupah Consultants does precisely this. Before you know you could be getting calls from across the globe. In addition Leadership Stage-KalaAnantarupah will enable a video production (Leadership Stage Project) of a project or idea to a time of15minutes or more depending on the complexity of the subject. These can be directly sent to the prospective employer once the Leadership Stage Profile/Video Resume has been wetted saving travelling and stress costs to the candidate.

    Leadership Stage - KalaAnantarupah Consultants will help you create a relevant resume that would get you invited for an interview. This Leadership Stage Profile/Video Resume will present the candidate in ways that would give a greater insight of the candidate to the potential employer than a traditional resume. The candidate could tell the potential employer on why he thinks he is the best person for the job and what he could do for the company focussing on experience, skill set, attitude and passions.
    Leadership Stage- KalaAnantarupah makes Leadership Stage Profile/Video Resume between one minute and three minutes although they feel a video under two minutes is the most ideal one. “This length is adequate as an initial filter for the recruiters” says Dr.Thiyagarajakumar Ramaswamy adding, “Professional video resume creators can make the video creative focussing on the pitch with good production values”. This Leadership Stage Profile/Video Resume are posted at http://www.youtube.com/kalaanantarupah where recruiters are constantly looking for suitable candidates to short list not wanting to spend undue time advertising and scrutinizing thousands of resumes. Leadership Stage-KalaAnantarupah Consultants also offers mentoring programs that include the right attire, voice modulation, miming, right camera angle, filtering background noise, scripting the delivery including thanking the potential employer etc benefiting the candidates to put up their best. Recruiters are also sent a list of shortlisted candidates based on Leadership Stage Profile/Video Resume ranking enabling the right candidate to be front of the right recruiter. A well planned and a carefully targeted video presentation will show the prospective employer your creativity and dedication.

    Currently this service is offered, to all those seeking right / dream jobs matching their expectations, education and experience.
    Leadership Stage -KalaAnantarupah Consultants can be contacted at: -
    +91-98860 65752 / /www.kalaanantarupahconsultants.com .

  9. About Thiyagarajakumar Ramaswamy's Kalaanantarupah Consultants-Leadership Stage.

    I found Kalaanantarupah Consultants(RPO)-Leadership Stage to be extremely helpful, I was put forward for great jobs and they had loads of advice on how to approach the interview. Thiyagarajakumar Ramaswamy was very knowledgeable about the industry and proactive throughout the process. They were also helpful when it came to moving country, I would highly recommend Kalaanantarupah Consultants(RPO)-Leadership Stage to any of my colleagues.

    In our first session, I did not know what to expect from Thiyagarajakumar Ramaswamy's Kalaanantarupah Consultants-Leadership Stage. I came to you because I wanted to discover which of my abilities were strong enough for me to go into business for myself. In my mind the process was going to be a technical one based on questions about likes and dislikes, skills and weaknesses, etc.

    In the months we worked together, we discovered something much deeper, and more
    significant, than what I was good at and how I might apply those skills. instead
    of looking at fear as something that holds me back, I now see it as a reason to
    pursue a goal. I have a different mindset every morning as I think about my work.

    Discovering the root causes of my behavior, fears and guilt were the greatest
    benefit I received from our work together. The investment I made in this discovery
    was worth its weight in gold. The way I approach my job and my private investments
    is much healthier and more lucrative now.

  10. I'm registered with literally hundreds of agencies. I'd just like to comment that Kalaanantarupah Consultants-Leadership Stage are head and shoulders above the rest for the number and quality of positions that are brought to my attention. Keep up the good work.

    Thiyagarajakumar Ramaswamy's Leadership Stage Through Arts Training Program

    Leadership Stage KalaAnantarupah Group,Bangalore boasts of an unusual fusion of Folk,classical,Freestyle and Bollywood dancing,music,theatre - a combination which sets it apart from the various dance,music,theatre classes I have tried before. Believe it or not, the instructor Thiyagarajakumar Ramaswamy knows the strengths and weaknesses of every student and makes the extra effort to help us dance,sing, act better than we ever thought we could! :) On top of that, the people are extremely nice, cheerful and fun loving, which makes these classes the perfect way to learn and enjoy at the same time.

  11. Review/Feedback About Thiyagarajakumar Ramaswamy and His Leadership Stage - Kalaanantarupah Group- Class

    Your toddlers class is too good. your team transformed my shy child into a graceful and confident dancer/performer..my kid was selected as "BEST TALENTED KID" at her school.Everything because of your very professional way of teaching. We got BEST PARENT AWARD also at her school. we are really proud to be a part of Leadership Stage -KalaAnantarupah Group Family. we are highly grateful to you always

    Review/Feedback About Thiyagarajakumar Ramaswamy and His Leadership Stage - Kalaanantarupah Consultants

    I came to Thiyagarajakumar Ramaswamy during a time when I was very unhappy in my career and couldn't quite understand my next steps. Through a series of coaching sessions, I began to build confidence in my decisions and understand much more about who I was and what I wanted to do. The flexibility yet structure of the discussions were invaluable. After just over three months of sessions, I found the confidence to handle a job, improve my work-life balance and am now ecstatic to be starting a new found journey. Thank you Thiyagarajakumar Ramaswamy!

  12. You are providing what young generation are looking forward.Thanks!!!!!!!!!!! I approached Kalaanantarupah Consultants - Thiyagarajakumar Ramaswamy when I was feeling at a very low ebb in my career. I felt negative and unfulfilled and couldn't see a way out. Thiyagarajakumar Ramaswamy's careful probing analysis of my situation and informed suggestions helped me to find alternatives and choices I didn't know I had. He led me by the hand through the mass of feelings, prejudices, financial considerations and hurdles which were blinding me to a solution and in the process I found out a lot about myself. I eventually gained clarity and confidence to make some far reaching changes in my life and now feel happy and confident with my new career choice. I wouldn't hesitate to recommend Thiyagarajakumar Ramaswamy to any professional, who, like me was at 40 and looking to make a positive change.

    Thiyagarajakumar Ramaswamy sir your Leadership Stage through arts training programs practical approach to combine Classical Dance, Bollywood and jazz is amazing.This is what young generation are looking forward to.thank you

  13. "Students love working with Kalaanantarupah Consultants Thiyagarajakumar Ramaswamy because they know he has a genuine passion for developing the careers of young professionals. Not only did Thiyagarajakumar Ramaswamy's assist with polishing up my resume, cover letter and interviewing skills, he was essential in helping me develop a greater sense of self. As a direct result of Thiyagarajakumar Ramaswamy’s inspirational approach to personal and professional development, I have a greater understanding of who I am and why I have chosen to pursue healthcare administration for my career. With his help, I have discovered personal strengths and weaknesses that I never knew existed
    Leadership Stage Coach is very fortunate to have access to Thiyagarajakumar Ramaswamy’s invaluable expertise. I look forward to working with Thiyagarajakumar Ramaswamy as I progress throughout my career.".


    Leadership Stage -KalaAnantarupah Group has the best performing arts classes in India! My daughter has enjoyed a variety of workshops, including dancing,acting, and singing with member of Leadership Stage. working in an actual voice over studio, and performing on camera for commercial and TV scripts. Mr.Thiyagarajakumar Ramaswamy is a talented and enthusiastic instructor, who leads the Theatre/Mime/Acting sessions with the perfect balance of professionalism and fun. The classes have helped my daughter prepare for auditions and she has gained insight into the fundamentals of acting. A Leadership Stage -KalaAnantarupah Group has our highest recommendation!...

  14. Feedback/review About Kalaanantarupah - Leadership Stage Group
    Thiyagarajakumar Ramaswamy,Director, Leadership Stage KalaAnantarupah is very good with the children.adults and as a result myself, and my daughter enjoyed the mime/theater /acting/dance class practical and theory lessons. Leadership Stage is extremely well tuned in with all the children and young adults and puts 100% of his time and effort into the running of the school resulting in an extremely well run school and lots of enthusiastic and happy students. I would highly recommend Mime/theatre/acting/dance/music/painting with me academy to anyone whom want to dance/sing/act as a hobby or take art form more seriously


    Feedback/review About Thiyagarajakumar Ramaswamy's Kalaanantarupah Consultants - Leadership Stage Group

    I had been a self-employed software programmer for 10years. On paper everything looked fine but I was desperately bored and thoroughly unfulfilled. I started to resent my work and my business, leading to a spiral of slipping standards and ever deeper unhappiness. It was obvious I had to do something else but I had no idea what. Any ideas I had were being stymied by my worsening self-confidence. It felt like my career was an impenetrable mess.

    Thiyagarajakumar Ramaswamy immediately reassured me that I wasn't alone, that my situation was perfectly normal and that it was ok - necessary, in fact - to be thinking about career change. His knowledge, experience and devotion made me feel instantly supported. Working with Thiyagarajakumar Ramaswamy taught me how to think positively about careers and my place in the job market; about my past and my future.

    I left the process with all the tools, logically laid out, for me to research a new career productively and enjoyably. Without having to force it and through clarity of mind, a new career path has opened-up in front of me; one that excites me and that has the potential to take me into areas that I know will fulfill my passions and values.

  15. Review About Thiyagarajakumar Ramaswamy's Kalaanantarupah Consultants-Leadership Stage

    In our first session, I did not know what to expect from Thiyagarajakumar Ramaswamy's Kalaanantarupah Consultants-Leadership Stage. I came to you because I wanted to discover which of my abilities were strong enough for me to go into business for myself. In my mind the process was going to be a technical one based on questions about likes and dislikes, skills and weaknesses, etc.

    In the months we worked together, we discovered something much deeper, and more
    significant, than what I was good at and how I might apply those skills. instead
    of looking at fear as something that holds me back, I now see it as a reason to
    pursue a goal. I have a different mindset every morning as I think about my work.

    Discovering the root causes of my behavior, fears and guilt were the greatest
    benefit I received from our work together. The investment I made in this discovery
    was worth its weight in gold. The way I approach my job and my private investments
    is much healthier and more lucrative now.

  16. Review About Kalaanantarupah Consultants - Leadership Stage..

    It is my pleasure to inform you that my search for a suitable job position in the UK has been successful.It is one of the roles I was aiming at and the type of challenge I was looking for, by the way keep your fingers crossed for me as it is going to be tough…:).The “Leadership Stage Profile” you helped me draw up played a major part in a better presentation of my skills and ultimately my successful search

    Thanks again for the help and the rehearsal phone interview. No word yet as to the outcome of that interview but regardless, I was very well prepared and confident going into it due to your expertise.The questions they asked were very similar to the ones you asked me. I opened and closed with strong appreciation for the opportunity to interview and after much thought, believe I did very well and answered the questions as best as could be answered

    There is no doubt in my mind that our session made all the difference in the professional and polished outcome of my answers and regardless of whether I get hired for this job or not - it was time very well spent and I couldn't be more pleased.
    Thanks again for your expertise and short notice availability. .I wish to say thanks Thiyagarajakumar Ramaswamy for your suggestions, they have been a very valuable investment and an occasion for learning.Please feel free to keep me posted for all your initiatives regarding continuous learning for professionals

  17. Review About Kalaanantarupah Consultants-Leadership Stage

    "I got a chance to pursue my further education only because of Leadership Stage-Kalaanantarupah Consultants. When almost other consultancies didn’t even accept me to apply at least as a student, it was Leadership Stage-Kalaanantarupah Consultants that gave me a chance to at least try and gave me hope. After all that, now am enrolled in Australia’s finest university, Certainly, only because of Leadership Stage-Kalaanantarupah Consultants, Bangalore esp. Mr. Thiyagarajakumar Ramaswamy, as he was the one who accepted me. My gratitude’s and gratefulness towards Thiyagarajakumar Ramaswamy and his Leadership Stage-Kalaanantarupah Consultants will remain forever in my heart. I wish Leadership Stage-Kalaanantarupah Consultants could rise and succeed even more in coming days guiding all the aspiring students dreaming to come to Australia for their studies. Thanks Leadership Stage-Kalaanantarupah Consultants. And by the way I contacted Leadership Stage-Kalaanantarupah Consultants reading their Facebook status so thanks FB team.


    Review About Leadership Stage Mime Theatre

    "Thiyagarajakumar Ramaswamy with admirably noble and expressive mime,proves to what extent this oriental art form succeeds in combining pantomime, choreography and music with an evocative quality and creativity of gestures never attained in Asia..."

  18. About Leadership Stage-Kalaanantarupah Consultants Thiyagarajakumar Ramaswamy.

    Thiyagarajakumar Ramaswamy has no agenda and doesn’t make you feel like you have to be superwoman and ‘do it all’ no matter what! After ten years of being in the work force I am now a full-time mother and my priorities have changed. Thiyagarajakumar Ramaswamy was really good for a ‘bigger picture’ assessment of my core interests and skills and I realised how important it was to rethink the ‘What’ and ‘Why’ before tackling the ‘How.’ But he also gave very practical advice on the ‘How’, such as family/work balance, pursuing further study, and job networking and research

    "The Center for Crippled Children and Adults is truly grateful to you for bringing to us such beautiful entertainment for the benefit of the children and adults who are treated at this Center. The gorgeous costumes, the excellent music and the grace, speed and precision with which the movements were made...a very enjoyable and exciting evening.Thanks Thiyagarajakumar Ramaswamy Sir.."

  19. This is a fantastic academy for Theatre/Mime/Dance/Music/Leadership Stage Career training. Mr.Thiyagarajakumar Ramaswamy is the director for this academy.He is multi talented.He is a great leader. The Leadership Stage - KalaAnantarupah Group team with a very patient teacher who caters for all ages and standards. Has given me so much more confidence in dance,music, theatre, acting,painting and toddler leadership training skills for myself and my 4yrs son.why look any further, Thiyagarajakumar's Leadership Stage - KalaAnantarupah Group is the best for your training needs.

  20. My Feedback About Thiyagarajakumar Ramaswamy's Leadership Stage Career Coaching/Counseling.

    "Thiyagarajakumar Ramaswamy helped me accomplish in two months what I was unable to do in two years of trying on my own: decide on a new direction for my career. I knew I was ready for a change and wanted greater career satisfaction, but was not sure how to best achieve it. The exercises in Thiyagarajakumar Ramaswamy's program help you identify the essential ingredients of your ideal career in a way that opens up new possibilities. Thiyagarajakumar Ramaswamy's expert guidance really helped me to connect the dots and discover how to better align my skills with my interests. He is also a pleasure to work with and I have benefited from her creative ideas and enthusiastic support and encouragement throughout this process. As I told Thiyagarajakumar Ramaswamy, finally I have a vision for my career and I am excited about making it a reality!" ~


    My Review About Thiyagarajakumar Ramaswamy's Leadership Stage-Kalaanantarupah Group Arts Training Program

    "As the recital proceeds we hear and see unusual and rare permutations and combinations in the technical compositions but unmatched brilliance in choreographic skill is apparent in the design and synchronization of movements. Without taking any liberties with the hoary traditions of this classical style, the Thiyagarajakumar Ramaswamy have added a new and exquisite dimension to Bharatanatyam, making one aware of enormous, untried vistas of use"

  21. In our first session, I did not know what to expect from Thiyagarajakumar Ramaswamy's Kalaanantarupah Consultants-Leadership Stage Career Consultants. I came to you because I wanted to discover which of my abilities were strong enough for me to go into business for myself. In my mind the process was going to be a technical one based on questions about likes and dislikes, skills and weaknesses, etc

    In the months we worked together, we discovered something much deeper, and more significant, than what I was good at and how I might apply those skills. instead of looking at fear as something that holds me back, I now see it as a reason to pursue a goal. I have a different mindset every morning as I think about my work.

    Discovering the root causes of my behavior, fears and guilt were the greatest benefit I received from our work together. The investment I made in this discovery was worth its weight in gold. The way I approach my job and my private investments is much healthier and more lucrative now.
